TSE: PMZ.UN $ Vol:


We believe that we have a responsibility to the people who live and work in the communities where we invest.
This responsibility goes beyond serving their shopping needs; we must reduce our impact on the environment in these communities.

Our approach to environmental sustainability is fourfold:

  • The establishment of our own policies and adherence to industry standards
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Conservation of energy and water
  • Recycling materials


Policies and Industry Standards

Mandatory and consistent construction guidelines have been established for tenants and for base building and mall common areas.

Sustainable procurement guidelines have been included in our Environmental Purchasing Policy.

Plans are being developed to have all properties be certified  BOMA BESt.  The Building Owner and Manager Association (BOMA) is an organization that represents the Canadian commercial real estate industry on matters of national concern and promotes excellence in the industry. BOMA BESt is a national program that provides common standards, educational and on-line assessment tools, independent data audits and a four-level performance certification program.


Sustainable procurement

Properties and head/regional offices use environmentally-friendly products, cleaning services and best management practices. Indoor air quality is significantly improved through the use of low volatile organic compound paints, floor finishes, adhesives and furnishings.



Water conservation efforts include use of dual flush toilets, rainwater harvesting, controlled faucet flow and "smart" irrigation systems.  Pilot projects are underway to test waterless urinals.

Energy is conserved at all of our properties through the:

  • management of electrical consumption by use of:
    • occupancy sensors
    • energy efficient lamps
    • reduction in lighting loads and daylight photo sensors
  • replacement of heating and cooling systems with energy efficient models,
  • use of roofing materials which reduce the impact of load on cooling systems, and
  • pilot programs, for example, the solar thermal hot water systems designed to preheat water for food
    courts and use of recycled cooking oil from food courts to power company vehicles.


Recycling Programs

Recycling programs address construction waste, computers and other electronic equipment, foodcourt recyclables and tenant waste. Our food courts are experimenting with recycling of "foodware" such as plastic cutlery and expanded polystyrene foam products such as coffee cups.  Some properties are now successfully composting organic waste from food courts.